

# getNodeByID(id) → {XYZTileNode}

Name Type Description
id String

View Source XYZTileNode.js, line 458

return the node with the given id, or undefined.

# lookupNodeByXYZ(x, y, z, node) → {Object}

Lookup nodes in the tree by the xyz coordinates of the tile. Returns found=true if the node was found along with the node. Otherwise it returns found=false and the closest parent node of the node being searched for.
Name Type Description
x Number
y Number
z Number
node XYZTileNode Node to start the search from, preferably the root node.

View Source XYZTileNode.js, line 437

{found: Boolean, node: XYZTileNode}

Type Definitions


# TerrainViewerOptions

Describe the camera.
Name Type Description
s number Shear
x0 number Principal point
y0 number Principal point
fov number Field of View in degrees
width number width of the viewport in pixels
height number height of the viewport in pixels
Latitude number Latitude of the camera
Longitude number Longitude of the camera
Elevation number Elevation of the camera
roll number Roll of the camera
azimuth number Azimuth of the camera
altitude number Altitude of the camera
fov number Field of view in degrees

View Source TerrainViewer.js, line 37